Best Horror Feature Film
.......................... Peter Mourougaya (Thang May)
Best Horror Documentary ........................
Scott McKinnon & Paul
Glover (The Man from Boggy Creek)
Best Dramatic Horror Short Film ..............
Mark J. Parker
(Family History)
* Best Comedic Horror Short Film ..............
Artie Brennan, Anthony Giordano & Jason A.
Messina (Daytrip Massacre)
* Best Animated
Horror Short Film .............. Bradford Uyeda
Beast of Bourbon)
* Best Avant-Garde
Horror Film .................. Baz Black (Merrow)
* Best Trash Horror Film
Jason Wright & Ginger Marie
Merante (All Dressed in
* Best Horror Music Video
........................... Rachael Quinn (Jack Switch's Ghost)
Best Dramatic Actress ..............................
Clarice Alves (Urubu)
* Best Dramatic Actor
.................................. Chris Wolfe
* Best
Comedic Actress ..............................
Trudi Ranik (My
Cherry Pie)
* Best Comedic Actor
.................................. Dustin Vaught
* Best Cinematography
Dominic Pereira
(Thang May)
* Best Sound Design
Kevin Serveau, Mickael Correia &
Rurik Salle
* Best Editing
............................................... Sean Kurosawa (Okhotsk of the Living Dead)
* Best Production
Design ............................
Hau Tran
* Best Visual Effects
Kris Roselli (Hideout)
* Best Make-Up
Effects ...............................
Rich Hill (Hideout)
* Best Music Soundtrack
............................. Joe Stockton (The
Fall of Usher)
* Honorable Mention ...................................
Usher Morgan
(Trapped Inside)
* Honorable Mention ................................... YuLun Wu (Father's Day)
* Honorable Mention ...................................
Brian Cunningham
(The Fall of Usher)
* Honorable Mention ...................................
Joe Reilly & Brian Edwards
(The Lake Parasite)